Discover Hemma
Stay in our four star lakeside accommodation, whether you choose one of our log chalets or a contemporary apartment, you will look over stunning views of the valley. Perhaps go for a gentle stroll around the local village, a refreshing swim in the beautifully clear lake or a more energetic mountain walk or bike ride. Photo by Janne Olander.
About UsRooms
Our Luxury Rooms are our most spacious rooms and provide great getaway accommodations. Rooms provide one King or one Queen or two Queens with some rooms providing extra sitting rooms and sofa beds.
All rooms have a small refrigerator and some rooms provide views overlooking the Town Green.
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At vero Callipho et post eum Diodorus, cum is alter voluptatem adamavisset, alter vacuitatem doloris, neuter honestate carere potuit, quae est a nostris laudata maxime. Et hanc quidem primam exigam a te operam, ut audias me quae a te dicta sunt refellentem.
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